8, we found that the cost/thermal performance curve was quite flat near the economic optimum. In the re-roofing scenario, when optimizing against PV with storage system, the very high insulation was still selected as the optimal level. Starting with a low insulation level (0.8 W/m2K), the...
Dilapidated, neglected, or abandoned sites and buildings (so-called brownfields) are frequently neither visually attractive nor aesthetically valuable. Indeed, neglected brownfields contribute to the emergence of both objective and subjective barriers to
Floods are consistently ranked as the most financially devastating natural disasters worldwide. Recent flood events in the Netherlands, Caribbean, and US have drawn attention to flood risks resulting from pluvial and fluvial sources. Despite shared exper
In this study, we also found that the population density was more important to entertainment sectors at the first and total recovery stages, while the road junction density played significant roles in human activity-intensity recovery at all stages. According to the result of the human activity-...
Additionally, temperatures experienced at night in the home affect physiological recovery from heat stress accumulated during the day and are thus an important driver for health outcomes during extreme heat events [92,93]. While access to air conditioning (AC) reduces risks of morbidity and ...
Section 4.2 has defined that this cost, having a sign negative, can be interpreted as a revenue. The variable is decreased (Table 4) and increased (Table 5) of 0.02 cent€/kWh. • electricity sales price. The consumer can sell to the grid the share of energy not self-consumed. The ...