Her immediate response was, “I can't do that! My manager would never agree! I'm too valuable to the team. Why would they let me go with a severance package?” This response echoes sentiments I've encountered countless times since publishing my bestseller, “How To Engineer Your Layoff....
Andrea Millerhas launchedMiller Chicago Real Estateand acts as principal and managing broker. Miller specializes in the sale and leasing of commercial property, and her client list includes..Read More Here ULI’S Young Leaders Leadership Series With John Buck Recap Written by Andrea Miller ...
- Licensed real estate broker - Licensed property and casualty adjuster - Master's and bachelor's degrees - Fortune 250 corporate communications experience - Trained journalist and researcher - N.C. Professional Appraisers Coalition member - More on Our Experience Give us a call or e-mail us...
Some buildings will be flexible with the usual guidelines and some will be more rigid. Speak to your Broker prior to submitting an offer to understand the guidelines. In general, Boards in cooperatives would like to see 20-25% down payment, 28% Debt to income ratio, and 2 years of post-...
Ozzie did a fantastic job, marketed the property widely (particularly to Houston people looking for hill country vacation homes). He held broker and client open houses and was able to sell my house within 2 months for within 5% of asking (price about $550,000). Everything went smooth and...
Myers Capital Hawaii is a privately-owned residential and commercial mortgage broker, banking company, and direct private lender. We provide mortgage lending and real estate advisory services in 48 states, helping consumers and investors throughout the c
As a specialist expat mortgage broker based in the United Kingdom, we can guide you through even the most complex overseas UK mortgage or remortgage process. With over a decade of experience, we can quickly assess your case and then immediately place you with the most suitable lender and the...
et cetera. These fees often total between 2% and 4% of the purchase price not including any prepaid interest points on the mortgage. When people go to sell residential real estate they generally go to real estate broker who will charge them a 6% commission. There is an increasing popularity...
Assure America Title is a title insurance company providing reliable and efficient services for residential and commercial real estate transactions in Florida.
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