Maia Szalavitz
How To Find A Troubled Teen Program That Accepts Insurance It can be frustrating for parents to sort through the thousands of troubled teen programs out there and choose one, only to find that either the programs don’t accept their insurance or the insurance wo...
Family therapy is important for troubled teenagers who have difficult relationships with their parents. Parents and teenagers can open up about their feelings to each other in a controlled and safe environment. This is also a form of dialectical behavioral therapy where patients have a chance to ta...
Our experience, personalized attention, and evidence-based treatmentsare what distinguishour organization as one of the best residential treatment centers for teenagers. Our staff has dedicated their lives to treating troubled teens. We take an individualized approach to treatment that includes a variety...
TEENAGERS' conduct of lifeTHEMATIC analysisRESEARCHPSYCHOLOGICAL abuseBETRAYALPHENOMENOLOGYThe "Troubled Teen Industry" refers to a network of federally unregulated programs marketed toward the behavior modification of teens through therapeutic intervention and elite education. The true nature and structure of ...