These techniques are generally classified into machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc. With the recent technological advancements in smart grid infrastructures, various communication technologies and sensors are deployed which generates huge volume of data. This data needs to be ...
Sean White was the 2014 Interstate Renewable Energy Council Trainer of the Year. He is an IREC Certified Solar PV Master Trainer and has authored several books on solar. He contributed to the development of the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis and has been a member of the...
(4) Photovoltaic water pump to solve drinking and irrigation of deep water wells in areas without electricity; (5) Transportation field. Such as beacon lights, signal lights, high-altitude obstacle lights, etc;(6) Communication and communication fields. Solar una...
Therefore, the installation of solar thermal collectors (FPCs and ETCs) that are primarily focused on hot water production applications in buildings is a priority. Their installation can be a successful move toward the goal of net-zero and sustainable buildings (see Figure 1) [5,6]. Figure 1...
The housing type of apartments, spread widely across South Korea, has penetrated deep into its domestic housing culture, thanks to their advantages in terms of convenience, resulting from the mass production of industrial capitalism, which prioritizes functionality and efficiency. However, capitalist so...