of service unless I take Fios this is in the NE Bronx. Many other areas in NY also affected by this policy forced by willfull misconduct and gross negligence. As well as falsifying cust comp records. Where is the NYS PSC effort to support the Verizon customers with copper lines??? iuti...
[1w3o]raknsd, ciasrnrioewd owuitdbelyyGuosnedg eint atli.m, cboemr pcoanresdtruencteirognys,copnarstuicmuplatriolyn iannmd cualtrib-sotnoreemyitsismiobnesrinbusicledninagriso.sCuLsTinigs cmonacdreetoef, slatemelinaantdintgimsebveerraasl mlayaeterrsiaolfstfiomrbferarmlaemweollrakss, ian...
iTcahtuiosn, iwt uhsicehs omnaekoesf tithae pexoissstiibnlge low-power communication psorolutoticoonlsfotor BtroadnysfeArrtehaeNcoetllwecotrekd(dBaAtaNt)oaappblaisceatsitoantiso. n. FFiigguurree 22.. IInnttrraa--bbooddyy ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ccoommbbiinneedd wwiitthh eexxiis...