前者 住宅分离 后者 附加住宅
2) on a wooden structure (12), attached to mineral wool 140 mm thick, with an inner wooden board (13). Furthermore, the windows have aluminum framing and triple glazing, partitions and ceilings are produced from oriented strand boards (OSBs), and the intermediate floor consists of wooden ...
This assessment was based on eight criteria: number of roof pitches, roof slops and fixings, size of openings, presence of homogeneous blackouts, quality of blackouts, shape of the building, and presence of attached elements. The main results of this field survey are presented in Section 3. ...
The building stock was first divided into four segments based on building types according to the RECS definitions: single-family detached (SD), single-family attached (SA), multifamily with 2–4 units (MFS), and multifamily with ≥5 units (MFB). Mobile houses were excluded in this study....
A-1 Home Inspections are performed by a licensed Inspector with over 20 years in Florida construction experience and 100's of hours of continuing educational courses, we take pride in our Professionalism and Thoroughness. Take a tour with our interactive
see high-rise apartment blocks dominating the city's skyline. This option is highly popular among expatriates, since it is mostly attached with round the clock security services and repair services, apart from facilities such as state of the art fitness rooms, children's play area, and garden...