In the process, they have become residential aged care facilities (RACFs), and there is no longer a distinction between low and high care.1doi:10.5694/mja2.50615Kathy EagarAustralian Health Services Research Institute University of Wollongong Wollongong NSWAnita Westera...
Objective Government expenditure on and the number of aged care facilities in Australia have increased consistently since 1995. As a result, a range of aged care policy changes have been implemented. Data on demographics and utilisation are important in determining the effects of policy on residentia...
A qualitative interview study was conducted in nine residential aged care facilities (RACFs) belonging to three organisations in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales (NSW) and Queensland, Australia. A longitudinal investigation after the implementation of the aged care EHR systems ...
The provision of residential aged care is underpinned by information, and is reliant upon systems that adequately capture and effectively utilise and communicate this information. The aim of this study was to explicate and quantify the volume and method by which information is collected, exchanged wit...
Preventing falls is a priority for aged care providers. Research to date has focused on fall prevention strategies in single settings (e.g., residential aged care (RAC) or community settings). However, some aged care providers deliver care, including fall prevention interventions, across RAC and...
Research examining the transition into residential aged care suggests that it can have a significant psychological and physiological impact upon older adults. There is a dearth of research examining the specific experiences of older men moving into and living in residential aged care. Older men may ...
A Preliminary Exploration of the Impact of Aged Care Reforms on the Governance of Two Australian Residential Care Facilities description design used interviews exploring perspectives of Board Chairs, Board Directors, and Chief Executive Officers of two NSW-based residential care ... C Monro,L Mackenzie...
qualityoflife.Residentsareallaged19orunderandhavesevere learningdifficulties.Theobjectiveofrespitecareistoameliorate someoftheburdenswhichcarersassociatewithcaringbuttodoso withoutadverselyaffectingthosebeingcaredfor,whilepreferably improvingresidents'qualityoflife.Theusualfocusofevaluationsof respitecare,however,tends...
Managers in the low band residential aged care sector in NSW: a demographic profile It is recognised that reform to the Australian residential aged care system has been rapid and overall the Commonwealth Government's agenda of actively shi......
The Most Difficult Decision: Dementia and the Move into Residential Aged Care. 2012. Brooks D, Fielding E, Beattie E, Edwards H, Hines S. Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on the psychological health and ...