Municipal wastewater has been considered as one of the largest contributors and carriers of microplastics to the aquatic environment. However, the various
All data analysed during this study are publicly available and deposited in the UK Data Service (study number: 850682, Thus, it is not necessary for the authors to deposit the datasets. References Akay A, Bargain O, Zimmermann KF (2012) Relativ...
holding deposit is credited to your first month’s rent. If you’re approved and you choose not to move into the home, Tricon Residential will place the home back on the market for rent and retain the holding deposit. If an applicant is declined, the refundable holding deposit is ...
In South Korea, the majority of housing lease in South Korea is characterized by key-money system: instead of paying monthly rent, tenants make a lump sum payment as a deposit for the occupancy. After a termination of two-year lease contract, many renters change home due to the burden of...