Relive the horrors of the village in a spine-tingling auditory form with the Resident Evil Village Original Soundtrack!25 eerie tracks await you, including the tension-alleviating "save room" music and an ending theme that is sure to leave a la
在Apple Music 上收听Capcom Sound Team的《Resident Evil Village (Original Soundtrack) [Complete Edition]》。2023年。135 首歌曲。时长:5 小时 10 分钟
此曲由音乐家Brian D'Oliveira 和唱作歌手Aga Ujma共同作曲作词, 并基于其对《Resident Evil Village》的深层理解製作而成。马上观看影片,一窥如此美丽而悲伤的乐曲之製作过程: 将于5月12日发售原声CD并提供线上串流 《 Resident Evil Village 》原声 CD 「 RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK」将于5月12...
The Resident Evil Village Original Soundtrack is available now on Steam! Features the ending theme, "Yearning for Dark Shadows", composed by Brian D'Oliveira and vocals by Aga Ujma! The soundtrack comes with MP3 (V0 bitrate), FLAC (16-bit), and
《Resident Evil Village》——一个平凡而伟大之父爱的故事[向晚·动漫][21-06-04] 00:0014:56打开APP 收听完整版 播音:乔一 雅婷 睿妤 编辑:阿杰 米娅:“很久以前,一个女孩和她的母亲去为辛苦工作的父亲摘浆果,可在森林里几经找寻,最终一无所获。顽皮的女孩决心要找回浆果,她挣脱了母亲的手掌,消失在林间...
😸 Lady Dimitrescu on the Phone👍 Support:📃 Reference- RESIDENTEVIL8VILLAGE🧩 Hashtag#RESIDENTEVILVILLAGE#BiohazardVillage#Village#anime#shorts
在Apple Music 上收听Capcom Sound Team的《Resident Evil 2 (Original Soundtrack)》。1998年。31 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 7 分钟
TheResident Evil VillageOST is now available to pre-order. Consumers can get their hands on the original soundtrack through retailers likeAmazon Japan. A total of twenty-five songs will be available on the soundtrack, including the title theme of the upcomingResident Evilgame. TheResident Evil ...
😸 I'm running away to a giant woman.👍 Support:📃 Reference- Biohazard8 Village🧩 Hashtag#RESIDENTEVIL8VILLAGE#Biohazard8Village#Village#anime#shorts, 视频播放量 1038006、弹幕量 274、点赞数 45991