Resident Evil Revelations promised to drag the series back to its horror roots by setting it on the confined location of an abandoned cruise ship. This entry stars Jill Valentine shortly after the events of Resident Evil 4, as she and her partner...
Xbox One Xbox Series X|S Add-ons for this game Resident Evil 0 Fan Design T-shirt Pack Free Resident Evil 0 Complete Costume Pack SG$14.30 Pre-order bonus Rebecca T-shirt SG$1.30 Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 1 SG$4.45 Resident Evil 0 Costume Pack 4 SG$4.45 Resident Evil 0 Costume Pa...
The Resident Evil series (known as Biohazard in Japan) is a Japanese world famous survival horror game media franchise. The first entry considered to be the first true survival horror game, as it redefined and reinvented the genre. While it first appeare
There are a bunch of Resident Evil movies out there, and we’ve got the best way to watch them, whether it’s in chronological order or by release date.
The Resident Evil series games are not totally identical to the movie. In fact, a common criticism to the films is that the plot line is vastly different. However, since the plot of the original games made little sense, it’s not surprising that the movie is fairly different. In fact, ...
Following months of development and an extensive search for a showrunner, Netflix has officially ordered eight episodes of a Resident Evil TV series.
This combination of strategy and scares brought by Resident Evil enraptured players, earning it acclaim the world over. The Resident Evil series has sold over a 100 million copies,and has expanded to a variety of other media, including CGI movies,theme park attractions, and even Hollywood blockbu...
RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard preorder is currently not available. In this bundle Survival Pack: Recovery Set RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard $19.99+ Description Resident Evil 7 biohazard sets a new course for the Resident Evil series as it leverages its roots and opens the door to a truly terrifying...
- This game does not support Xbox Play Anywhere. In order to play on Windows, you must purchase the Windows version separately. - Please note that the Windows version of Resident Evil 3 does not include Resident Evil Resistance. Jill Valentine is one of the last remaining people in Raccoon ...
Experience survival horror like never before with your Resident Evil Village Steam PC key. Includes the new online multiplayer Resident Evil Re:Verse game.