Resident Evil Village Picking up where Resident Evil 7 biohazard left off, Resident Evil Village is the eighth major installment in the flagship Resident Evil series. The game sees the reunited Ethan and Mia Winters living happily together and putting their shared nightmares of the Baker’s planta...
The Resident Evil series (known as Biohazard in Japan) is a Japanese world famous survival horror game media franchise. The first entry considered to be the first true survival horror game, as it redefined and reinvented the genre. While it first appeare
Resident Evil 4 Remake 4.76 82.5K £34.99 Offline play enabled 1 player PS5 Version VR play styles: sitting, standing PlayStation VR2 optional PlayStation VR2 headset vibration optional PS VR2 Sense controllers optional PS VR2 Sense controller vibration optional ...
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery Cloud enabled Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox achievements Xbox cloud saves Compare editions THIS EDITION RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard SG$27.00SG$10.80+ RETURN TO TOP RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Gold Edition SG$54.40SG$21.76+ Games includedRESIDENT EVIL 7 biohaz...
Resident Evil 7 biohazard 火热发售中 3年前失踪的妻子传来的一封电邮,引领伊森·温特斯到路易斯安那的荒废宅邸。伊森在充满怪异气氛的宅内寻找妻子的踪迹,等待着他的是住在疯狂宅邸里的贝克一家。在美国南部的一个荒废宅邸内,交织着"威胁"与"孤独"。从充满恶意的未知惨剧中生存下来吧。
New to Resident Evil? Explore the unforgettable games, heroes and villains that make this one of the most iconic survival horror series of all time.
This combination of strategy and scares brought by Resident Evil enraptured players, earning it acclaim the world over. The Resident Evil series has sold over a 100 million copies,and has expanded to a variety of other media, including CGI movies,theme park attractions, and even Hollywood blockbu...
Optimized for Xbox Series X|S Smart Delivery Xbox One X Enhanced Xbox achievements Xbox cloud saves Xbox Play Anywhere THIS EDITION RESIDENT EVIL 2 SG$54.40SG$13.60+ RETURN TO TOP RESIDENT EVIL 2 Deluxe Edition SG$67.40SG$16.85+ Games includedRESIDENT EVIL 2 Add-ons includedDeluxe Weapon: "Sa...
Jill Valentine is one of the last remaining people in Raccoon City to witness the atrocities Umbrella performed. To stop her, Umbrella unleashes their ultimate secret weapon: Nemesis! Also includes Resident Evil Resistance, a new 1 vs 4 online multipl