374 3 02:42 App PC re4 村庄 Leon 62600 740 0 11:02 App Resident Evil 4 HUNK 城堡 301770 1058 1 12:29 App 【PC60帧】 Resident Evil 4 wesker 城堡 342170 315 0 01:46 App 终于上了 HUNK村庄 206200 最后片段 632 0 09:31 App GC美版 Resident Evil 4 ada 城堡 322370 200 0 07:13 Ap...
Resident Evil 4 Leon Accessory: 'Sunglasses (Sporty)' Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 4.40Gemiddelde beoordeling 4.4/5 sterren uit 15 beoordelingen 15 beoordelingen 73% 7% 13% 0% 7% Game-info en juridische info Bescherm je ogen tegen de zon en andere irritante monsters met deze sport...
Mocap: Nick Apostolides (RE2 Remake, RE4 Remake) "If I could just forget what happened that night, the pain—even for a second. This time, it can be different. It has to."— Leon S. Kennedy[2]Leon Scott Kennedy is an American federal agent operating under the direct Presidential com...
一. Resident Evil 4 登场人物:Leon Kennedy,Ashley Graham,Ada Wong,Osmund Saddler,Ingrid Hunnigun 每次一提到后期的生化系列,我就焦虑。因为我对正统作品的后三部的感情远不如前边那么深刻,甚至还不如后来的启示录系列。虽然我极其不喜欢这三部作品,特别是最后两部。但是我还是要说RE4真的是一部旷世之作,除了...
在原版《RE4》加入現代化的遊戲玩法、重新構思的故事情節和最新的畫面,使重製版《Resident Evil 4》成為全新生存恐怖遊戲回歸。
Replaces the Default outfit with a recreation of Leon's OG outfit from the original game. The turtleneck is a courtesy of my friend Pakjuaan as his version was better than my old one. This was originally exclusive to Patreon but I feel like I have enough mods there that it makes sense...
Resident Evil 4 VR Mode Step into the shoes of Leon S. Kennedy and immerse yourself in a horrifying and harrowing rescue mission when Resident Evil 4 arrives on PlayStation VR2 this winter as a free update.
Leon S. Kennedy Ashley Graham 逐渐逼近的神秘教团 PRODUCT Nintendo Switch™ ※各作品收录之部份追加要素有可能与其他机种版本有所不同。 实体版 保护伞公司溃败后,生化恐袭仍然不见休止。三套描绘了其威胁的作品于《Resident Evil Triple Pack》登场!
整个剧情上的亮点只有Leon那一句温柔的“这样下去我要失业了”能让人会心一笑,不得不感慨对于故事Capcom内设的标准是真的很低。 不能否定的是本作贯穿始终的可玩性始终给人一种高涨的情绪,花钱花时间换来的这份体验在如今3A普遍困乏的当下是属于不吃亏不上当的那一档,它的优点很明显,缺点也不是刻意抹黑,优等生...