这游戏是在2009年推出的Games for Windows - Live version。如果你在Steam上购买Untold Stories Bundle,它将会升级令内容与Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition相同。...
名称:Resident Evil 4 逆命殊途 类型:动作,冒险 开发商:CAPCOM Co., Ltd. 发行商:CAPCOM Co., Ltd. 系列:Resident Evil 发行日期:2023 年 9 月 20 日 访问网站查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏Resident Evil 4才能畅玩。
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Building on the success of the Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 3 takes the original concept of the 1999 release into a new era with help from Capcom's fantastic RE Engine. The dreaded Nemesis has never felt more of a threat in this latest outing, he's hot on your trail through...
生化英文应该是biohazardresident evil是欧美才用 来自Android客户端12楼2019-12-29 01:27 收起回复 Name1ess 出刀欧统 12 恶魔可能哭,恶魔五月哭 来自Android客户端13楼2019-12-29 18:36 回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈...
所以呢 又没关系 原名就是biohazard 欧美才叫resident evil(我按照内个语气把两个都读了一遍 6楼2015-02-25 18:23 回复 kane940727 出刀欧统 12 resident evil 居民的恶意 7楼2015-02-25 18:30 回复 dullalala 工坊大触 7 resident evil...邪恶的当地人?莫名喜感 8楼2015-02-25 18:36 回复 倾音...
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Official site for Resident Evil 3, which contains two titles set in Raccoon City based on the theme of "escape"
Resident Evil: Afterlife ‘Resident Evil 4’-esque ‘Dark Sector’ Available for Free on Steam for 72 Hours 11/28/2024 by Mike Wilson bloody-disgusting.com Goty Snub and No W at Golden Joystick Awards For Silent Hill 2 Has Fans Convinced That The Awards are Rigged ...
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