A prequel to the game that starts it all, Resident Evil 0 begins the story a few days before the events of Resident Evil. Starring Brave team medicResident Evil’s RebeccaChambers and death-row inmate Billy Coen, the narrative explores a train owned by the Umbrella Corporation, known as the...
We at GamingScan love Resident Evil so if you're into those games as well, then check out this list of all the best games like Resident Evil.
游戏 包含的内容可能不适合所有年龄段,或不宜在工作期间访问。 血腥 请输入您的生日: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930311 月2 月3 月4 月5 月6 月7 月8 月9 月10 月11 月12 月190019011902190319041905190619071908190919101911191219131914191519161917191819191920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935...
・Windows版《Resident Evil 3 for Windows》並不包含《Resident Evil Resistance》在內。 不管逃到哪裡也會被追至絕路。 拉昆市發生突如其來的生物災害,更為巨大的威脅被投入至這個逐漸崩潰的城鎮中…… 多重的危機、九死一生的驚險動作和重新建構的逃生劇,一一超乎你的預想。 你能逃離這片絕望嗎? 發佈者 ...
Resident Evil 4.7/5 English & 3 more 39 Edition: Standard Edition Check out nowAdd to cartBuy as a giftCheck out nowAdd to cartBuy as a giftBuy nowInstall GOG Preservation Program This game is a Good Old Game. GOG maintains and preserves it as part of the Good Old Game Preservation ...
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game. Experience survival horror like never before in the eighth major installment in the storied Resident Evil franchise - Resident Evil Vill
Experience survival horror like never before with your Resident Evil Village Steam PC key. Includes the new online multiplayer Resident Evil Re:Verse game.
Description - This game does not support Xbox Play Anywhere. In order to play on Windows, you must purchase the Windows version separately. - Please note that the Windows version of Resident Evil 3 does not include Resident Evil Resistance. Jill Valentine is one of the last remaining people ...
Game Ready For Resident Evil 7 Resident Evil 7launches today, January 24th, 2017. Set in modern day rural America, after the events ofResident Evil 6, players experience the terror directly in first-person for the first time, considerably increasing the intensity of the experience. ...
RESIDENT EVIL 3 for Xbox 当前不可用。 概述系统要求 功能 单个玩家 Xbox 成就 Xbox 状态 Xbox 云保存 HDR104K Ultra HD 光线跟踪 60fps+ 120fps Xbox Series X|S 性能强化 智能传递 空间音效 Dolby Atmos 描述 ・此游戏并不支持Xbox Play Anywhere。如要在Windows上游玩,烦请购买此游戏的Windows版本。 ・...