1. A sequel to Resident Evil: Damnation and the third and final installment with Leon Kennedy as a main character. As part of Capcom's animated Resident Evil feature length film series, each installments surpassed its predecessors with cutting edge animations and fluid character movements. In Vend...
Resident Evil: Degeneration: Directed by Makoto Kamiya. With Paul Mercier, Alyson Court, Laura Bailey, Roger Craig Smith. Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield must battle a rogue warrior seeking revenge after unleashing the deadly G-Virus, whilst a mutate
Resident Evil: Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. With Ryan McCluskey, Oscar Pearce, Indra Ové, Anna Bolt. A special military unit fights a powerful, out-of-control supercomputer and hundreds of scientists who have mutated into flesh-eating creatures after
Following rumors of yet another Resident Evil film reboot, focusing on the fourth game in the series may finally get things right. BySean Shuman Mar 9, 2023 Resident Evil: Why the CG Movies Are Faithful Adaptations The CG Resident Evil films, despite their faults, are the closest thing to ...
Unlike the live action movies which are loose adaptations of the main games, Resident Evil’s animated films are firmly canon and often star Leon.
Falling under the genre of biopunk horror, the film was to precede a subsequent trilogy of animatedResident Evilfilms in the 2000s. Inspired By: Dawn Of The Dead (1978) A landmark classicin the genre along withNight of the Living Dead,Dawn of the Deadcan arguably be seen as George A ...
Resident Evil: How Another Franchise Reboot Might Finally Get Things Right Following rumors of yet another Resident Evil film reboot, focusing on the fourth game in the series may finally get things right. By Sean Shuman Mar 9, 2023 Features Resident Evil: Why the CG Movies Are Faithful ...
Resident Evil has been a popular video game franchise since it debuted in 1996, but it became a cultural phenomenon thanks to its blockbuster film series. The best Resident Evil movies feature grotesque monsters and thrilling fights. This is a list of every Resident Evil movies, ranked from...
Resident Evil has been a popular video game franchise since it debuted in 1996, but it became a cultural phenomenon thanks to its blockbuster film series. The best Resident Evil movies feature grotesque monsters and thrilling fights. This is a list of every Resident Evil movies, ranked fr...
According to film criticism aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the best Resident Evil movie is Resident Evil movie, giving a point to the animated films over the live-action ones. However, as Metacritic doesn’t offer scores for the animated Resident Evil movies, it’s Resident Evil: The Final Chapter...