doblaje al español latino de voces y videos y música ambiental Residente Evil 3 nemesis clásico es el trabajo de una sola persona no es profesional vercion 2.0 2 ensayo 2 Se corrigieron varios bugs
Le da un Doblaje al Español Latino al juego. 656.0MB 151 2.5k Rebecca - REmake Models and Textures Uploaded: 02 Feb 2021 Last Update: 02 Feb 2021 Author: Bloodyhunter Uploader: Bloodyraccoon Replaces Rebecca's face by the one from REmake. 47.0MB 147 2.7k Resident Evil 0 Pa...
The story takes place in Spain, and the Spanish spoken by the villagers in the game is called Castilian (which has a different pronunciation than the standard form of Spanish, known as Español, commonly spoken by many Latino). The currency used throughout the game is the Peseta, which so...
Rosario Dawson is no stranger to the screen. According to Bustle,she has appeared in more than 100 films and TV episodes. Her first appearance was in the 1995 film, "Kids." She's also an advocate for equality, having co-founded Voto Latino, an organization that supports Latin voters. She...
The story takes place in Spain, and the Spanish spoken by the villagers in the game is called Castilian (which has a different pronunciation than the standard form of Spanish, known as Español, commonly spoken by many Latino). The currency used throughout the game is the Peseta, which so...
Doblaje al español latino de resident evil 2 ensayos 2.0 se corrigieron varias líneas de diálogo mal traducidas, se agregaron nuevas cinemáticas en FHD sin subtítulos japoneses, se cambiaron actores de doblaje para varios personajes, puedes probarlo aquí 4.7GB 8 198 RE2 - Dino Cris...