Resident Evil 5 follows series alum Chris Redfield as he journeys into West Africa with his new partner, Sheva Alomar, fighting Las Plagas-infested enemies called the Majini.
Egg Hunt (Bronze): Find all 4 types of eggs. A Friend in Need (Bronze): Save partner 10 times when HELP is displayed. Lifeguard (Bronze): Save partner 10 times when DYING is displayed. Exploding Heads (Bronze): Pull off 20 headshots. ...
Resident Evil 5 Completion bonuses Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock Mercenaries mode, New Game+ mode, “History Of Resident Evil” option, “Infinite ammo” option (must fully upgrade a weapon then purchase the unlimited ammo from the “Bonus Features” section with poi...
Flying B.O.W.s reside in the part of the U-8’s abdomen originally intended for the maturation of eggs in an unaltered specimen. These flying B.O.W.s are not larval U-8s, but completely different creatures entirely. In a close-quarter, one-on-one fight, U-8 is an overwhelmingly p...
RESIDENT EVIL 5 Platinum Trophy Congratulations! You've overcome all your fears in RESIDENT EVIL 5!13.63% Rare Completed Chapter 1 - 1 Complete Chapter 1 - 1 on any difficulty setting.86.24% Common Completed Chapter 1 - 2 Complete Chapter 1 - 2 on any difficulty setting.81.52% ...
Writer and director Johannes Roberts has opened up about the new film adaptation of the Resident Evil games: Welcome to Raccoon City.
Infinite Golden eggs?ByTaliesin_2943, 7 months ago4Replies Wish Upon A Star missing score star.ByHevyD6586, 8 months ago0Replies Two Console Method Possible for online Versus trophies? (Both PS3 and PS4 Versions)BySoraxTidus, 8 months ago0Replies ...
Netflix Resident Evil: Easter eggs and references you might have missed 28 Days Later The opening scene ofResident Evilepisode 1 in 2036 is very reminiscent of the famous bridge scene in the iconic and acclaimed zombie movie28 Days Later. Jade walks across the bridge and we get a shot o...
That is where I'm going to leave my recap for this movie. Where I want to start is that I loved the homage that was paid to the video games of Resident Evil 1 and 2. There are some changes that were made, but I can live with that. They are mashing the two together so it is...
However, one scene in Resident Evil: Afterlife received unexpected praise for its faithful recreation of a moment from the games.The scene where Wesker confronts Alice is a near-shot-for-shot remake of a similar confrontation in Resident Evil 5, complete with its iconic choreography and ...