Our effort to create a true HD experience for Resident Evil 4 Download (version 1.1) Please, read the Instructions before downloading and installing this pack. PLEASE, READ THE ENTIRE PAGE BEFORE DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING THIS PACKWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWThis is not a remake, it’s a remaster...
This Resident Evil 2 Overhaul MOD is released in commemoration of "Resident Evil 2 Remake (2019)". The first edition of the MOD was created as a game like "Resident Evil 2 : Director's Cut" in the early 2000s. Introducing advanced techniques, it was revised and finally added Claire's ...
I bet the problem is with the resident evil engine, because this same artifacts bug happens with Resident Evil 1 Remake and switching to Proton 4.11 fixes it Performance:Slight Performance Problems Cutscenes lagging very bad until I switched to Proton 4.11. Some users say editing steam/steamapps...
Resident Evil 3(1999) Overhaul MOD "The Lord of the Necropolis" is a major expansion of Classic RE3. In Ver.1.1, the new ending that I gave up implementation in Ver.1.0 due to lack of my technical ability and time is added. Many other changes have been added, such as expansion of ...