Resident Evil 4 Remake将登陆iOS 更多移植大作陆续有来 在这次Apple的iPhone 15/15 Pro发布会上,Apple留有一个段落强调其游戏性能,同时与了不同厂商来介绍其作品在新iPhone上动作有多流畅,其中就包括了Resident Evil 4 Remake等大作。Apple经常在产品发布会上加入游戏作品环节,来展示新产品的性能,这次当然也不...
游戏除了对应iPhone 15 Pro,也可以在配备M1和M2处理器的iPad Air和iPad Pro玩到。Capcom指《Resident Evil Village》支持触摸或游戏手柄操控,并且有跨设备进度同步功能。此外,玩家还能够将游戏画面以最高4K 60Hz,输出到支持DisplayPort的电视或显示器。Capcom透露正在为《Resident Evil 4》重制版的发布做准备。
Resident Evil Villagewill be released foriPhone 15Pro andiPadon October 30, Capcom announced during the Tokyo Game Show over the weekend (viaTouchArcade). During the event, Capcom also revealed pricing for the mobile ports ofResident Evil 4 RemakeandResident...
The title will be playable on the iPhone 15 Pro, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPads that are equipped with anM1or later, and all Apple silicon Macs. Capcom plans to charge $59.99 for Resident Evil 4 on the iPhone and iPad, which is the same price as the ga...
Resident Evil 2 火热发售中 Resident Evil 7 biohazard 火热发售中 Resident Evil 4 火热发售中 更新发布通知2024.12.11 "DualSense" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 在iPhone/iPad上游玩 轻松享受高品质的游戏体验。
据Capcom表示,《Resident Evil Village》将会连同DLC《Winters' Expansion》在10月30日登陆App Store,不过需要留意的是这游戏暂时只支持iPhone 15 Pro和iPhone 15 Pro Max,其他iPhone都无法玩到。除iOS之外,游戏也会同时支持iPadOS,但只限搭载M1处理器或以上的iPad。至于MacOS版本已经在较先前推出。《Resident Evil ...
Resident Evil 4 火热发售中 Resident Evil 2 预定于2024年发售 更新发布通知2024.8.27 "DualSense" is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. 在iPhone/iPad上游玩 轻松享受高品质的游戏体验。 包括PlayStation及Xbox的无线控制器在内, ...
MacBook pro/iPhone16/ipad,需要的小伙伴伴三连思。好玩苹果IOS游戏:生化危机4重置版Resident Evil 4完整版解锁所有dlc夏日西瓜分享 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 8.3万 12 03:30 App Resident Evil -Adawang-2025-3 12.2万 222 04:57 App 【熟肉】《生化危机0:重制版》新泄露 | ...
I would also like to note that Resident Evil 4 ran flawlessly on the iPhone 15 Pro during my testing, which was not at all the case with Village. There were zero crashes and even after extended periods of gameplay there weren't any issues. ...
App Store says Resident Evil 4 isn’t compatible with my iPhone 15 pro I upgraded from an iPhone 11 to 15 pro and wanted to get Resident Evil 4 but the App Store says it’s not compatible with it but it also list the iPhone 15 pro as a compatible device iPhone 15 Plus Posted...