All in all, Resident Evil 3 Nemesis is a fantastic addition to the series. It's the hardest and best looking. I still think I like RE2 the best, but I'm going to go through it again just to be sure. Either way, this is damn fine gaming, and a near brilliant third chapter in ...
Note: Make sure to check out ourResident Evil 3 Single-Player Reviewfor impressions of the campaign. Annoyingly, there is no on-screen minimap. “ A nice sense of flow can occur if you all work together. “ Guns feel good to shoot but there’s odd visual feedback. ...
编者按:《生化危机:抵抗计划(Resident Evil: Resistance)》是一款基于《生化危机》世界观的 1v4 非对称多人线上生存游戏,收录于《生化危机 3 重制版》。其中一名玩家扮演操纵者,虽不直接参与战斗,但会通过监控设置各种陷阱和怪物,另外四名玩家则扮演幸存者,运用各自技能和身边道具合力杀出一条生路。虽然 CAPC...
Resident Evil 3 is a faithful and strong remake that's sure to make Resident Evil fans happy, even though some critics felt like it could have...
游戏的音乐和配音同样出色,为玩家营造了沉浸式的恐怖体验。尽管游戏在某些方面被认为过于依赖动作射击元素,但总体上仍被认为是《生化危机》系列中的一部佳作,获得了IGN 8.5分的好评。 游戏实况皆可电子榨菜 游戏 单机游戏 恐怖游戏 冒险解密 克里斯 经典游戏 steam 吉尔 BIOHAZARD Resident Evil capcom 整点电子榨菜...
All we can say is that six hours of Resident Evil 3 is just enough - and we're aware that's both compliment and curse. [Issue#346, p.88] Read More May 21, 2020 PlayStation 4 tbd The Jimquisition Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is as excellent as it is scary, and it is very sc...
3.《Resident Evil 3 RE》生化危机 3 重制版 没错,虽然生化危机3编号为3,但在剧情时间上是比2代早一天发生的! 这里指游戏开始发生的时间点,实际事件与2代是交叉并行的。 《生化危机 3》的第一部分发生在《生化危机 2》的事前之前,第二部分则发生在 2 代的剧情后。你能先玩 3 代的一半,然后去玩通 2...
With a sublimely detailed world and breakneck survival-horror gameplay, Resident Evil 3 is just as good as its 2019 predecessor. More, please! 9 / 10 Lucy O'Brien IGN Another enjoyable reimagining for the Resident Evil series that nails the action but lacks depth. 4 / 5 stars Leon Hurl...
In 1996, Resident Evil was a Very Big Deal. Its laughably acted introduction and dialogue, as well as its rigid structure and limited third-person perspective could be overlooked in favor of its focus towards creeping the bejeezus out of the gamer. Any d
前作好的东西继承很少,新问题又自己创新了一 ...你说的是IGN评分?我一直觉着IGN评分没谱。。。