The “Tyrant” (also known as Mr. X) will start chasing you throughout the Police Station. Simply shoot his hat off to get the “Hats Off!” achievement. You cannot kill him — so only stagger him so you do not waste your time and ammunition....
Police Station 2F, Shower Room: You must pick up the portable safe and examine it in the inventory. Press the buttons so they light up in a circle next to each other.Code is randomized for every player. Write down your working combo and keep building on it until you have the cir...
The Ultimate Premium Masterline Resident Evil 2 Claire Redfield made by Prime 1 Studio ( UPMRE2-02 ) is now available for the fan of Resident Evil 2
The Resident Evil Chapter includes a new map: The Raccoon City Police Station. Once home to the RPD’s elite S.T.A.R.S. unit, the labyrinthine hallways of this converted art museum are now overrun by the undead and host to a relentless evil. The new Killer is Nemesis. Take control ...
Taking place shortly after the initial release of the T-Virus, this game sees the town of Raccoon City fully overrun by zombies, just asResident Evil 2’s LeonKennedy turns up for his first day on the police force. Of course, he arrives only to find the police station and town to be...
Resident Evil went through several years of pre-production before filming began in March 2001. After the loss of Alan B. McElroy and George A. Romero, the film's producers bought Paul W.S. Anderson's script for the unproduced film, "Undead", and gave it
109 desperate times: Set Design Police station 1 「死守」イメージ・設定画像① 1500 死守をクリアする 110 desperate times: Set Design Police station 2 「死守」イメージ・設定画像② 1500 死守をクリアする 111 desperate times: Set Design Police station 3 「死守」イメージ・設定画像③ ...
The loud evil crack of that super shotgun as pixel blood splatters out of a whole room full of zombies, the recoil launching you back into the previous screen. The police station is a great location to begin in. Again there's lots of character and atmosphere in the place. The sewer,...
This mod adds textures from resident evil. The police station now looks like Raccoon City police station. Posters, newspapers, paintings, photos of S.T.A.R.S. members, logos, monitor and most importan
Resident Evil – Code: Veronica (2000)Platforms: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Nintendo GameCube Developer: Capcom Production Studio 4 Publisher: CapcomResident Evil – Code: Veronica was released on February 3, 2000. In many ways, it’s a direct continuation of ...