The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil. In 1998 a special forces team is sent to investigate some bizarre murders on the outskirts of Raccoon City. Upon arriving they are attacked by
Resident Evil Watch the Movie SCROLL MY PROFILE Get the most out of your experience by personalizing your profile page! MY PROFILE NEWS Dead by Daylight Adds New Outfits for Nemesis ,Ada Wong (Resident Evil 4), & More Alongside the 2v8 Game Mode!
Buy Resident Evil on PS4. The game that defined the survival-horror genre is back! Check out the remastered HD version of Resident Evil.
Resident Evil [Note 1] is a singleplayer survival horror game developed by Capcom. It is the first entry in the Resident Evil series. Originally released in 1996 on PlayStation, it was ported to PC in-house and released in Japan on December 6, 1996, followed by releases in North Americ...
Resident Evil Village is het vervolg op Resident Evil 7 biohazard en de achtste grote aflevering van de beruchte Resident Evil-reeks. De game begint met de herenigde Ethan en Mia Winters die vreedzaam op een nieuwe plek wonen en hun gedeelde nachtmerries achter zich hebben gelaten... tot...
What is Resident Evil.Net? PLAY DATA A free web service linked with supported games to enhance the Resident Evil experience. About RESIDENT EVIL.NET WITH RESIDENT EVIL.NET Supports Additional Game Linkage Function forResident Evil 4 SUPPORTED GAMES ...
RESIDENT EVIL REVELATIONS $19.99 Ratings Resident Evil Revelations 1 & 2 Bundle Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.54Average rating 4.54 stars out of five stars from 8613 ratings 8613 ratings 73% 15% 2% 3% Game and Legal Info Enter the world of surival horror with this value bundle fe...
it is a campaign based on Resident Evil 1 (PlayStationOne version). Contains 1 survival map. 2. I made several changes to addapt this campaign to the L4D2 gameplay. 3. MO Disks are placed in different maps, if you miss one of them the campaign can be finished but the finale will be...
生化危机之埃博拉1汉化版新鲜出炉,(Resident Evil Ebola CN)一款生化危机迷制作的同人游戏,本作为第一部。游戏内使用了知名街机游戏合金弹头的素材,游戏全程进行了较为业余的语音配音,经过汉化后,文件容量高达100多M,加载时间较长,请耐心等待。但游戏性方面还是可以的。游戏剧情大概是:最初是一系列离奇的谋杀案,逐渐...
一. Resident Evil 4 登场人物:Leon Kennedy,Ashley Graham,Ada Wong,Osmund Saddler,Ingrid Hunnigun 每次一提到后期的生化系列,我就焦虑。因为我对正统作品的后三部的感情远不如前边那么深刻,甚至还不如后来的启示录系列。虽然我极其不喜欢这三部作品,特别是最后两部。但是我还是要说RE4真的是一部旷世之作,除了...