“Resident Alien”, the live action science fiction TV series created by Chris Sheridan, based on the Dark Horse Comics title by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse, has been renewed for Season 4 airing on USA Network:“…after crash-landing on Earth in a small Colorado town, an alien sent ...
“Resident Alien” Renewal “Resident Alien”, the live action science fiction TV series created by Chris Sheridan, based on the Dark Horse Comics title by Peter Hogan and Steve Parkhouse, has been renewed for Season 4 airing on USA Network:“…after crash-landing on Earth in a small ...
The Syfy cable channel has renewed the Resident Alien TV show for a second season of 10 episodes. The first season’s finale airs on March 31st and there’s no word yet on when season two will launch. A sci-fi comedy series, the Resident Alien TV show is based on the Dark Horse ...
Permanent Resident Card Renewal Form I-90 What is the I-90 Application? The Form I-90 application is used by permanent residents of the United States to replace or renew their Permanent Resident Cards. Conditional permanent residents must use a different process to replace an I-90 that has ex...
Up to 6 months prior to the expiration date of your alien registration card, you may apply for a renewal of the card by filing Form I-90 (application to replace permanent resident card). Visit theUSCIS websitefor more information.
If you have a previous version of the alien registration card (e.g., USCIS Form AR-3, Form AR-103 or Form I-151), you must replace it with a current green card. When to Renew a Green Card You should renew your green card if you are a permanent resident with a Form I-551 valid...
replacementorrenewalofexistingPermanentResidentCards.Conditionalpermanentresidentsmayalsousethis applicationtoapplyforreplacementofanexistingPermanentResidentCard.Conditionalpermanentresidentsmaynot usethisapplicationtoreplace,foranyreason,anexistingPermanentResidentCardthatisexpiredorwillexpirewithin90 days. NOTE: Conditional...