Resident Alien: Created by Chris Sheridan. With Alan Tudyk, Sara Tomko, Corey Reynolds, Alice Wetterlund. A crash-landed alien takes on the identity of a small-town Colorado doctor and slowly begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his secret mission
As an alien hell-bent on destroying mankind, Harry probably never expected his No. 1 nemesis on earth would be a pint-sized grade schooler.On Wednesday’s episode of Resident Alien, Max and Harry’s rivalry came to a head, leading to the formation of a mutually beneficial truce between th...
Here's When Resident Alien Season 4's Release Is Now Expected 11/14/2024 by Klein Felt The Direct Crime Procedural ‘Pain & Suffering’ In Works At Netflix From Don Todd & Kapital 10/25/2024 by Nellie Andreeva Deadline Film + TV Asta (II) “I will be happy if you stay with me”...
- Notable works: "Little Women," "Girl, Interrupted," "Alien: Resurrection," "Edward Scissorhands" Ever since stealing the show as Kim in 1990's "Edward Scissorhands," Ryder went on an absolute tear with hit after hit in the 1990s. She accepted the roles of the lovable Josephine March i...
Press Release: Denver – March 20, 2017 – Based on the worldwide videogame phenomenon, the CG animated film “Resident Evil: Vendetta”will hit movie theaters worldwide this year. The film will be released internationally on May 27, 2017, and in the U.S. and Canada on Monday,June19 for...
Resident Alien has also recently gotten an awareness boost from Netflix picking up its first two seasons earlier this year.Resident Alien stars Tudyk as crash-landed alien named Harry who tries to blend in with humans in a small Colorado town while hiding his secret mission to destroy humanity...
Resident Alien has also recently gotten an awareness boost from Netflix picking up its first two seasons earlier this year.Resident Alien stars Tudyk as crash-landed alien named Harry who tries to blend in with humans in a small Colorado town while hiding his secret mission to destroy humanity...