Nonresident Alien 还是 Resident Alien? 在税法上,绿卡居民自然是属于Resident Alien的,而签证持有者们则会依据最近三年在美国居住的天数来确定是属于Resident Alien还是Nonresident Alien。 假设现在是报2015年的税,那么如果你 1) 2015年在美国境内的天数 >= 31天; 并且 2) 2015年境内的总天数 + 2014年境内总天数...
For example, if you live in England and own a company that operates in the U.S., but you have not been to the U.S. for five years and don't have a green card, the income generated by the business will be subject to U.S. tax based on the applicable nonresident alien status. Ad...
Resident or non-resident alien The IRS uses two tests—the green card test and the substantial presence test—for assessing your alien status. If you satisfy the requirements of either one, you’re considered a resident alien for income tax purposes; otherwise, you’re treated as a non-res...
for a sufficient number of days, you are considered a nonresident alien—but this doesn’t mean you are exempt from U.S. tax. As a non-resident, you must prepare a U.S. tax return on Form 1040NR or 1040NR-EZ. But unlike resident aliens, you only report the income you earn that ...
Under United States tax laws, these individuals may be taxed as either resident aliens or nonresident aliens. This classification can be crucial because the resident alien is taxed on his worldwide income; the nonresident alien is only taxed on his United States source income. The judicial test ...
但是如果两方都属于resident alien。如果F,J,M,Q签证的那方有收入,还是可以用tax treaty的。比如两...
A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the country in which he or she resides but does not have citizenship.就是有永久居住权但没有国籍不是公民.在美国拿了绿卡就算Resident Alien.留学生就是学生签证,还是international students 参考
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook resident commissioner Thesaurus Wikipedia n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the representative of Puerto Rico in the US House of Representatives. He or she may speak but has no vote ...
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. resident n. a person who lives in a particular place. However, the term is vague depending on the permanence of the occupation. (See:...
in the eyes of the law. A resident alien can use foreign tax credits but a non-resident cannot. A resident alien is subject to the same taxes as a U.S. citizen. A non-resident alien only pays tax on domestic income that's generated within the United States, not including capital ...