Based on the Dark Horse comics, SYFY's Resident Alien follows a crash-landed alien named Harry (Alan Tudyk) whose secret mission is to kill all humans. In Season 3, Harry is vowing to work with General McCallister (Linda Hamilton) to rid the Earth of the
Hottest episode ever in TV, even though I stream video's. I don't know what the producers were thinking when they came up with this episode. Obviously someone there has a foot fetish. Very Cool BTW. I have loved this show from the very start. It's fun, it's quirky. It's differen...
Everything he knows — or thinks he knows — suddenly came crashing down around him in last night's season finale when the sheriff came face-to-face with an honest-to-goodness alien, a member of the dreaded Greys! And this time, Harry (Alan Tudyk) isn't around to wipe his memory. ...