个人税收居民身份声明文件 Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form 账户持有人姓名 Account holder's Full Name 一,税收居民身份声明(单选)I. Declaration of Tax Residency(Exclusive choice) 1 仅为中国税收居民(中国税收居民定义请参见注1) PRC Tax Resident (Please refer to the Note 1) 2 仅为非...
Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form Please read these instructions before completing this form Why are we asking you to complete this form? In order for HSBC to comply with Canadian law (Common Reporting Standard ("CRS") and Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA")), HSBC must...
Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form 姓名 Name 税收居民身份 (单选) Tax Residency (Exclusive choice) (此项与开户申请表一致) (Consistent with the name in the application form) 证件类型 ID Type (此项与开户申请表一致) (Consistent with the type in the application form) 证件号码 ID ...
Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form 客户姓名 说明: 1.中国税收居民是指在中国境内有住所,或者无住所而一个纳税年度内在中国境内居住累计满183天的个人。在中国境内有住所是指因户籍、家庭、经济利益关系而在中国境内习惯性居住。 1."PRC individual tax resident" refers to an individual who has ...
CRS – Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form * Please note that this customer guidance is for reference only and is not a substitute for CRS form. For Joint Accounts, each account holder must complete a separate form. An Individual Tax Residency Self-Certification Form (CRS-I (...
Entity tax residency self-certification form – INSTRUCTIONS 共同申報標準【CRS】自證證明書-實體 CRS - E Please read these instructions before completing the form. 填寫表格前,請先閱讀下列指引. Regulations based on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") Common Reporting ...
Print Blank Form Print Controlling Person Tax Residency Self-Certification Form (CRS-CP (HK)) 控權人稅務居民自我證明表格 (CRS-CP (HK)) Instructions 指示 Please read the following instructions before completing this form 請在填寫本表格前 細閱 以下指示 : Why are we asking you to complete this...
K 電話 Tel : 2110 1190 傳真 Fax : 2110 1191 Entity Tax Residency Self-Certification Form (CRS-E) 實體稅務居民自我證明表格 (CRS-E) DD 日/ MM 月/ YYYY DATE 年 日期 Instructions 指示 Please read the following instructions before completing this form 請在填寫本表格前細閱以下指示: Why are ...
taxresidencydeclarationformcertificationself Someimportantinformationbeforeyoustart •YoushouldcompleteeitherPart1aandPart1bofthisformforindividualplanowner(s) orsolelyPart2(entities).Anentitymeansanyplanownerwhoisnotanindividual,e.g. acompanyortrust. •Ifyouarecompletingtheapplicationactingonsomeoneelse’sbeha...
TAX RESIDENCY SELF-CERTIFICATION FORM (CRS-E (HK)–MPF) 恒生強積金:實體稅務居 民自我 證明表格 (CRS-E (HK)–MPF) *HACE* HACE INSTRUCTIONS 指示 Please read the following instructions before completing this form 請在填寫本表格前細閱 以下 指示: Why are we asking you to complete this form?