[22] STATA与计量:intro_09... 1306播放 21:37 [23] STATA与计量:intro_09... 768播放 21:28 [24] STATA与计量:data_01_... 3574播放 22:03 [25] STATA与计量:data_01_... 689播放 22:16 [26] STATA与计量:data_01_... 1277播放 22:10 [27] STATA与计量:data_02_... 2298播放...
Nevertheless, here is how to work around the limitation in the old version ofreshape: Step 1. Create demogs.dta containing the demographic variables. . useyourdata. keep id sex age race hgt wgt shoesize hatsize ms kids addr. sort id. quietly by id: keep if _n==1. save demogs, rep...
reshapemoves back and forth between what Stata calls wide data structures and long data structures. In a wide structure, rectangular blocks of data are held in several variables (i.e., several columns), whereas in a long data structure, such blocks are stretched out into single variables (one...
to convert them back to the long form. If you save the data, you can even continue using reshape wide and reshape long without arguments during a future Stata session.Be careful. If you create new Xij variables, you must tell reshape about them by typing the full reshape command, although...
Reading data download from the wind into stata in a cleaning format - readWind/fastreshape.ado at master · arlionn/readWind
Faster Stata for Big Data This package provides a fast implementation of various Stata commands using hashes and C plugins. The syntax and purpose is largely analogous to their Stata counterparts; for example, you can replacecollapsewithgcollapse,reshapewithgreshape, and so on. For a comprehensive...
By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your perso...
in industrial networks embedded in the global value chain (Götz & Jankowska,2017). While the outcomes of smart factories, the Internet of Things (IoT), connected communications, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data are still evolving, the outcomes of Industry 4.0 hinge on ...
reshape [query] reshape clear Options specifies thatj()may containstring values. , available only with the advanced syntax and not shown in the dialog box, specifies that plain ASCII chars be substituted for the @ character when converting the data from wide to long form....
Reshape Nameè una proprietà dinamica accodata alla raccoltaPropertiesdell'oggettoRecordsetquando la proprietàCursorLocationè impostata suadUseClient. Si applica a Oggetto Recordset (ADO) Vedere anche Servizio Microsoft di modifica della forma dei dati per OLE DB (provider di servizi ADO) ...