Resetting the Circadian Clock Might Boost Metabolic Health Bridget M. Kuehn JAMA. 2017;317(13):1303-1305. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.0653 Full Text Consider a quarterback’s passing game: throw the ball too soon and his receiver isn’t in place; throw the ball too late and he risks ...
Resetting the circadian clock by social experience in Drosophila melanogaster . Science. 2002; 298 (5600):2010–2012.Levine JD, Funes P, Dowse HB, Hall JC. Resetting the circadian clock by social experience in Drosophila melanogaster . Science. 2002a; 298 :2010–2012....
The circadian clock system (from Latin “circa diem,” about a day) allows the organisms to anticipate periodical changes of geophysical time, and to adjust to these changes. Nearly all the cells in our body comprise molecular clocks that regulate and synchronize metabolic functions to a 24-hour...
网络释义 1. 重调定 近年来的研究提示,生物钟的重调定(circadian clock resetting)与神经可塑性有关, 但其确切机制尚不很清楚。神经可塑性 …|基于3个网页
Light-induced resetting of a circadian clock is mediated by a rapid increase in frequency... Examines the effects of light on the frequency gene which is known to encode a state variable of a circadian oscillator. Induction of the gene by short pul... Crosthwaite,K Susan,Loros,... - 《...
Chronobiologyis the study of the relationship between biological rhythms and environmental cues. Currently under study are the use of light therapy and melatonin to reset the circadian rhythm. The bookChronotherapy: Resetting Your Inner Clock To Boost Mood, Alertness, and Quality Sleepdiscusses light ...
Integrated view of resetting a circadian clock This report extends and systematizes the observations of Pittendrigh and his coworkers on the phase resetting of the circadian rhythm of pupal eclosion in populations of the fruitfly, Drosophila pseudoobscura, in response to a single dis... AT ...
The circadian clock system (from the Latin "circa diem," about a day) allows organisms to anticipate periodic changes of geophysical time and to adjust to those changes. Nearly all cells comprise molecular clocks that regulate and synchronize metabolic f
Workers punching in for the graveyard shift may be better off not eating high-iron foods at night so they don't disrupt the circadian clock in their livers. Ad Disrupted circadian clocks, researchers believe, are the reason thatshift workersexperience higher incidences of type 2 diabetes, obesit...
Circadian clocks are self-sustained and cell-autonomous oscillators. They respond to various extracellular cues depending on the time-of-day and the signal intensity. Phase Transition Curves (PTCs) are instrumental in uncovering the full repertoire of re