I have a 16GB hard drive laptop that's been running out of space due to oversized Windows Updates for a long time. (Thus it hasn't done a Windows update in months.) Finally, I'm just planning on wiping it totally clean and resetting to factory setting. However, as I'm resetting it...
This is "a known issue." I get that changing the check numbers is "by design." Perfectly reasonable. But why do the check numbers randomly reset? No solid answer there.So, hive mind, what are your thoughts on this? Would you accept "just do a ve...
A REFS Driver Bug? {Registry Hive Recovered} Registry hive (file): '\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE' was corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost. *SOLVED* Two 'Other User' options on Log in Screen %logonserver% variable not functioning in Windows 10 1809...