IP_switch_A_1 login: admin Password: Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software . . . IP_switch_A_1# Save the configuration: IP_switch_A_1# copy running-config startup-config Reboot the switch and wait for the switch to reload: IP_switch_A_1# reload Repeat the previous steps on...
*Mar 18 18:58:37.101: %HMANRP-6-EMP_NO_ELECTION_INFO: Could not elect active EMP switch, setting emp active switch to 0: EMP_RELAY: Could not elect switch with mgmt port UP*Mar 18 18:57:55.746: %STACKMGR-6-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Stack port 1 on Switch ...
When a person factory resets their router or any device, it forces the device to revert to its original settings as it was when it left the manufacturers. This process erases all customized configurations, including credentials and security protocols. However, performing a factor reset is a drasti...
I have a recently-installed Aironet 1852i (AIR-AP1852I-E-K9) which was working fine until yesterday, when I found it wasn't transmitting. I couldn't communicate with it over the wired network. It wouldn't respond to pings. CDP from the adjacent switch showed that it's IP address had...
I have a 16GB hard drive laptop that's been running out of space due to oversized Windows Updates for a long time. (Thus it hasn't done a Windows update in months.) Finally, I'm just planning on wiping it totally clean and resetting to factory setting. However, as I'm resetting it...
I have a 16GB hard drive laptop that's been running out of space due to oversized Windows Updates for a long time. (Thus it hasn't done a Windows update in months.) Finally, I'm just planning on wiping it totally clean and resetting to factory setting. However, as I'm resetting it...
if you can not enter enable more then you need reset factory if you dont have old enable password 0 Helpful Reply Derickt Level 1 In response to MHM Cisco World 03-18-2023 12:03 PM I am able to enter enable and get Switch# I have also followed the instructions step by ste...