使用django-password-reset第三方库重置用户密码步骤: 1、安装模块:pip install -U django-password-reset 2、在settings.py中注册 INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'password_reset', ... ] 3、在根路由urls.py中添加重置密码地址 urlpatterns = [ ... path('password-reset/', include('password_reset.urls')...
具体步骤如下,前提是在settings中设定好邮箱配置: 安装:pip install django_password_reset 添加app:在settings中加入APP应用‘password_reset’ 配置url:在项目总urls.py中加入url(r'^pwd_reset/',include('password_reset.urls')), 把模板文件夹放到templates文件夹中:找的django_password_reset模块的安装目录,把...
Django:重置用户密码,用第三方库Django-password-reset 转载自此处,留作日后查看https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000016900703 分类:Django-2 香蕉都驼背 粉丝-4关注 -1 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员
1.配置urls.py文件 fromdjango.conf.urlsimporturlfromdjango.contrib.authimportviewsasauth_viewsfromdjango.urlsimportreverse,reverse_lazyfrom.importviews urlpatterns=[url(r'^password-reset/$',auth_views.password_reset,{'email_template_name':'registration/password_reset_email.html','post_reset_redirect'...
Django 5.0 user authentication complete tutorial with source code for login, logout, signup, password change, and password reset.
password_reset .gitignore .travis.yml LICENSE MANIFEST.in README.rst runtests.py setup.cfg setup.py tox.ini Django-password-reset Class-based views for password reset, the usual "forget password?" workflow: User fills his email address or username ...
Restful API错误/异常设计 在RESTful API中设计异常处理时,最好在响应中设置HTTP状态代码,这样可以表示...
按:(冒号),光标将移动到屏幕的左下角。输入set number或set nu,然后按Enter。 :set number 行号...
This package provides views, to use the built-in Django password reset functionality from inside the admin interface. Features: Add a link to the top of the user change form, that leads to a new page, containing the link for the password reset. ...
Currently the built in django password reset system requires that you have an active account and that your password can be compared to by an enabled hasher. I think that this is in error, as you are about to reset the password to something new (hence resetting it) and the standard process...