例如,如果你的分支名为feature-branch,可以使用以下命令: bash git checkout feature-branch 使用git reset命令重置当前分支到指定提交: 使用git reset命令,并指定要重置到的提交ID。你可以选择使用不同的重置模式,如--soft、--mixed(默认模式)或--hard。 软重置(--soft):不会改变工作区和暂存区的状态,只是将...
网上尝试了很多方法,都不太见效,可能是每个人的代码情况不同,我是这样操作的:选中紧接着不想push已经commit的记录前面一条 提交记录,右键点击,选中reset Current Branch to Here 即可,这样就会把commit的的内容给去掉了。其实也就是将上图中7分钟的commit到本地仓库的代码从仓库里面删除掉,这样之前已经commit的但未...
Ah very nice, I presumed that using Undo would revert the commit instead of doing a reset, my bad for not testing that out first. I suppose that does cover the majority of my Reset current branch to this commit usage. A couple things I'm still wondering though; Does that little notific...
git reset [<mode>] [<commit>] This form resets the current branchheadto <commit> and possibly updates the index (resetting it to the tree of <commit>) and the working tree depending on <mode>. If <mode> is omitted, defaults to --mixed. The <mode> must be one of the following: ...
演示下图的git reset 各选项的效果。 image.png Git Reset操作说明 图中说明: This will reset the current branch head to the selected commit, and update the working tree and the index accoding to the seleted mode. 意思是: 该操作会重置当前分支指针到所选择的提交点,并且更新记录点和根据所选选项更...
提交版本2的修改后,想回退到版本1,选择版本右键Reset Current Branch to Here 弹出选项框 This will reset the current branch head to the selected commit, and update the working tree and the index accoding to the seleted mode. 意思是:该操作会重置当前分支指针到所选择的提交点,并且更新记录点和根据所...
On branch feature nothing to commit, working tree clean 在工作区和暂存区已经没有任何代码了,也就是如果这个时候你本地开发的代码没有提交,那就永远也找不回来了。 那之前提交过的但又撤回的提交代码3的代码可以找回吗? 这个是可以的。 我们通过git log --oneline是找不回的。
I think I just did something horribly stupid. I have a local branch (not pushed to remote) and I went to the VC -> Logs tab, chose a commit several commits back, and chose "Reset Current Branch to Here" thinking I could jump back to where I was...
git reset[<mode>] [<commit>] This form resets the current branch head to<commit>and possibly updates the index (resetting it to the tree of<commit>) and the working tree depending on<mode>. Before the operation,ORIG_HEADis set to the tip of the current branch. If<mode>is omitted, ...
reset --hard 会在重置 HEAD 和branch的同时,重置stage区和工作目录里的内容。当你在 reset 后面加了 --hard 参数时,你的stage区和工作目录里的内容会被完全重置为和HEAD的新位置相同的内容。换句话说,就是你的没有commit的修改会被全部擦掉。 例如你在上次 commit 之后又对文件做了一些改动:把修改后的ganmes...