To reset the Git branch to the origin version, first, open the Git repository. Next, commit the current working of the branch by using the “git commit” command. After that, create a new backup branch that will automatically save the commits of the currently opened branch. Now, reset the...
7-5git reset --hard origin/master代表什么意思 # 注释:将当前 Git 仓库的工作区重置到 origin/master 分支的最新提交 # 示例: # 假设当前 Git 仓库有两个分支,一个是本地分支 feature_x,另一个是远程分支 origin/master # 在修改了 feature_x 分支后,通过 reset 命令将工作区还原到 origin/master 分支...
你可以使用interactive rebase根据你的逻辑对提交重新排序,并将它们压缩成两个单独的提交。
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: Dockerfile no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or ...
git checkout seotweaks git merge -s ours master git checkout master git merge seotweaks 回到顶部 方法二 如果分支合并时出现了冲突,而你的remote仓库是github或者bitbucket,那么只能强上了 git branch -m master old-master git branch -m seotweaks master git push -f origin master ...
可以正常登录GitHub,执行git clone,但是执行git push origin xxbranch提示: Connection was reset in connection to 使用git clone SSL 报错中使用方法设置: git config --global http.sslVerify false 后再次push,报错提示变成: Failed to connect to port 443: Timed out ...
git rebase --continue The rebase would complete. Usegit push -fto update your origin with the updated commits. if you don't know what editor you're in, the answer is likelyvim. To save and quit, type Esc : w q Enter. On the other hand, if it's Nano and you see things like "...
git fetch origin 3. Create a backup of your local branch before resetting it in case something goes wrong. You canclone the branchor use thegit branchcommand. The syntax is: git branch [branch-backup] Replace[branch-backup]with a name for the branch copy. The command creates a new branch...
git reset–mixed 这是默认的重置方式,重置索引区,保留工作区。 比如,修改了一个文件后,会提示文件被修改了,并提示add提交到索引区或者restore放弃工作目录更改。 git status On branch feature1 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/feature1'.
git push –force origin “` 3. 使用git reset –hard:虽然git reset命令不能直接用于远程分支,但如果你想要完全重置远程分支并将其设置为与本地分支相同的提交,你可以使用git reset –hard命令先重置本地分支,然后使用git push –force命令将更改推送到远程分支。