Reports on the Air Force reserve offers active-duty military retirees to return to military services. National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2001; Addition of Section 12741 to Chapter 1223 in the Act; Election of retirement as members of the retired reserve; Benefit for continued milita...
Both Reserve and Guard units train, as known as drill, about one weekend a month plus two weeks a year for "annual training." Guard and Reserve members must serve a certain number of hours each year to make a "good year" to qualify for benefits and retirement. Advertisement Learn more a...
This is everything we know about the VA loan, which is a process, a system, a benefit and a way to get a mortgage if you are a veteran or an active duty service member in a branch of the armed forces. The one thing that the VA loan isnot, is a loan. That’s one of its co...
"I am urging my colleagues to support this bipartisan, amendment that would even the playing field so that no military mom has to choose between caring for their newborns or receiving pay and retirement credits," he said. "We should take the opportunity we have before us with the defense ...