National Guard & Reserve members receive a 3.1% raise in the 2020 Military Drill Pay Charts. Discover how much your drill paycheck will be.
Wilson’s Justice Department also convicted almost a thousand people for using “disloyal, profane, scurrilous or abusive language” against the government, the military or the flag. Wilson is an excellent example of how presidents can exploit wars to increase authoritarian power and restrict freedom...
The exchange rates between the USD and other currencies can fluctuate wildly. The yen dropped a lot in 2022 and then again in 2023 against the USD. So the value of yen-denominated assets held by central banks (other than the Bank of Japan) would have declined when...
The euro is #2,with a share of 19.7% in Q1. The share has been around 20% for years (blue line in the chart below). The other currencies are the colorful tangle at the bottom of the chart. What’s hard to see in this chart, but easy to...
If you ask the Norwegian armed forces the answer would be – we would just do more simulations. And they plan on doing exactly just that. Have the military play computer games; good for reducing fuel consumption. At least during peace time. ...
China and Russia are the only countries with sophisticated enough nuclear arsenals to go toe-to-toe with the US up to the top of the military escalation ladder. In other words, the US military can’t attack Russia and China with impunity because they can match each m...
2021 Military Drill Pay Charts - National Guard & Reserve members receive a 3% raise. See how much your drill paycheck will be (all ranks).