In India for example, those with a complaint against a commercial bank can have recourse to one of the 15 Ombudsmen of the Reserve Bank of India. 以印度为例,对商业银行提出投诉的人可以向印度储备银行15名调查员中的一位提出投诉。 UN-2 Response- As per the Money Service Transfer scheme of...
of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies (Chairman: Shri Aditya Puri) was constituted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The Report of the Committee was placed on RBI’s website on March 22, 2014 inviting comments on the recommendations of the Committee. A copy of the Report ...
The complaint, if submitted in physical form, shall be duly signed by the complainant or by the authorised representative. The complaint shall be submitted in electronic or physical mode in such format and containing such information as may be specified by Reserve Bank. The contact details of Cen...
I have just finished reading a couple of weighty tomes with similar themes: Dark Money by Jane Mayer is about how some nominally right-wing libertarian sociopaths, (i.e. the Kochs and their coterie) seek to control American politics through various ‘charitable’ think tanks and stealth infiltra...
In India for example, those with a complaint against a commercial bank can have recourse to one of the 15 Ombudsmen of the Reserve Bank of India. 以印度为例,对商业银行提出投诉的人可以向印度储备银行15名调查员中的一位提出投诉。 UN-2 Response- As per the Money Service Transfer scheme ...