1.Ancestry.com The number one genealogy site on the Internet has numerous records of French immigrants to North America, as well as records for your ancestors who stayed in France. This is a membership site with several levels of membership you can purchase, depending on your needs and budget...
Researching Indian ancestry is not an exact science. In fact, more often than not, it has to do with uncovering what is referred to as a “preponderance of evidence” that certain individuals were Indian, or at least were dealing a great deal with families with known Indian surnames. An ex...
Ancestry has no Southeast Asian category, so those of Southeast Asian background will get some of the East Asian, or what Ancestry has as “Asia East” along with a small percentage of Polynesia. Aside from MH engulfing the European for admixed Polynesians, it seems fairly accurate at least...
In this book of U.S. Dutch Reformed Church Records from Albany, New York (as found on Ancestry.com, linked below) from the mid 18th century, there are pages of baptism records. There are three handwritten columns per page. The first column has the infant’s name, and a date. The sec...