The Multilingual Glossary includes literary and informational terms, academic vocabulary, and critical vocabulary in ten languages: Spanish, Haitian-Creole, Portuguese, Vietnamese, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Tagalog, and Urdu. Summaries in multiple languages ensure students have a basic understan...
conductedinfivelanguages Telephonesurveyinfivelanguages LiteratureReviewObjectives Providebackgroundknowledgetotheresearchteamregarding priorresearch. Identifytopicsandissuesthatshouldbeaddressedinthefocus groupsandtelephonesurvey. Aidinthedevelopmentoffocusgroupandsurveyquestions. Findinformationthatmaybeusefulinthe...
Tagalog, or Khmer, where we felt we were in a rush to train the assistants. Hence, despite the precautions taken and the efforts invested in assistant recruitment and training, we encountered a few glitches. In one case, the recruitment of a rare language assistant in Quebec was laborious an...