This study explores how intimacy is shaped through mobile-mediated dating, which is seasoned with culinary preferences and gendered conventions. Drawing on the sociological concept of mediated intimacy and attending to emotionalised culinary experiences and gendered individualism, this study asks three ques...
Substantial research on the topic of cultural heritage has been conducted over the past two decades. At the same time, the overall output volume of journals and citation metrics have become important parameters in assessing and ranking researchers’ perf
This is a great learning experience, and you may even surprise yourself and discover another topic to become passionate about. Crafting Your Proposal: A Sneak Peak of What's to Come A research proposal is like a movie preview, so this is the perfect opportunity to drum up interest in your...
In the ever-evolving landscape of culinary innovation, Air Fryer Products and Technologi... Kavita Rawat Feb 13, 2024 Read more | Energy and Resources , Food and Beverage Top 10 Companies Leading the Probiotics Market Probiotics products promote a healthy gut microbiome and are increasingly...
A Study Having the Certifications Students of Majoring in Culinary Arts on the Satisfaction of Class and Preparation for Employment This study was conducted for the university students who majored in culinary arts. The effects of students" certifications on class and school life satisfa... Suk-Tae...
culinary, image, wine,andgastronomyconstitute the remainders of the top ten keywords. These 10 keywords in this research stream confirm the application-oriented topics from the perspective of food tourism. Therefore, this research stream clearly addresses the topic “social media and food tourism.”...
Fermentation introduces what we call "gastronomic plasticity," which refers to the ability of a culinary tradition to adapt, evolve, and incorporate new ingredients and techniques. This flexibility allows the tradition to respond to dynamic changes in resource availability, cultural exchange, and consume...
limited culinary skills, and panic-driven purchases can contribute to an escalation in the volume of food waste generated throughout the pandemic [51,52]. While certain articles suggest a positive correlation between increased purchases and heightened food waste, alternative studies indicate a reduction...
Culinary Diversity And Health A Global Perspective ConferenceScience & ResearchPaid entry Interested Mon, 21 - Tue, 22 Apr 2025 International Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Experts Meet (Nano MAT) Lisbon Exchange of Technological Advances in the field of Materials & Nanotechnology ConferenceMedical ...
What's Cooking? was developed as a culinary nutrition education intervention for a grocery store setting in an effort to encourage fruit and vegetable consumption and increase both nutritional awareness and cooking frequency at home. Each Saturday for 7 consecutive weeks, the interven...