还需要注意的一点是,在使用图书或者任何印刷材料作为文献资源的时候,一定要纪录下参考文献信息,这样在以后的写作过程中会省很多的时间。 ⭐️ STEP6 决定主旨句 Thesis Statement 如果可以用一句话来总结这篇文章,那么这句话就是文章的Thesis Statement 主旨句。同时这也是这篇文章最终展现的文章论点以及课题的研究...
Using what you found in your preliminary research, write a thesis statement that succinctly summarizes what your research paper will be about. This is usually the first sentence in your paper, making it your reader’s introduction to the topic. A thesis statement is the best answer for how ...
RP可作为您研究的蓝图和指南,帮助您组织起来,并对您选择的前进道路充满信心。 1. Title page Like your dissertation or thesis, the proposal will usually have atitle pagethat includes: The proposed title of your project (题目) Your name(名字) Your supervisor’s name(导师名字和职务,如果是申请博士或...
The purpose of the introduction is to inform the reader about the topic and the major thesis statement that will be discussed in the paper, so it should be informative. The introduction is divided into three parts; area of research, background information, and the thesis statement. 前言的目的...
Publish Your Thesis in IJAR Indexing of Journal CrossRef Call for papers Authors Menu Submit Your Paper Online Check your Article Status Download Invoice for Paper Download your Certificate Certificate Sample IJAR DOWNLOADS Covering Letter Template Article Template Cover Page of Journal Online Thesis ...
of the introduction, but in some cases, an instructor wants his student to submit the thesis ...
The largest part of your work is the main body. It is the chapter where you provide the arguments and evidence that support your thesis statement. Depending on the requirements of your learning institution, the structure of the main body might vary. Generally, the main body consists of the ... Guidelines for an applied linguist’s students’ research proposals The following guidelines are tailored more specifically for social science research proposals, which should have the following elements in this order: Title page Thesis statement Table of contents Significance of the research ...