issue,argument,case study,research 意思 issue,argument,casestudy,research意思分别是:问题,争论,案例研究,研究。
action research是一个研究领域,case study是一种研究方法。题主的问题就好比西红柿和刀之间的比较,如果...
以「高雄市原生植物园创价协会」为个案,采用「个案研究法」(Case-Study Research) 进入研究场域。 藉由文献分析、深…|基于 1 个网页 2. 个案研究 ...udy);追踪研究(panel study) 个案研究(case-study research):针对少数个案做深入且长期的研究。
Case study 通常被认为是一种 research strategy,因为它是一种总体的研究方法,通过对具体案例的深入研究...
Case Study Student learning by researchSchallies, MichaelLembens, Anja
Whatever the pattern is in specific research, it is vital to be quiet flexible to construct the whole body for your study. For example, in the single-case study, the unit of analysis might be just one case, or consists of several sub-cases inserted within the big case. This approach is...
首先,Research design(研究设计)指的是研究将采取的方法(methods),程序(procedures)和行动(actions...
Case Study Research 作者: John Gerring 出版社: Cambridge University Press副标题: Principles and Practices出版年: 2006-12-11页数: 278定价: USD 35.99装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780521676564豆瓣评分 8.7 34人评价 5星 44.1% 4星 47.1% 3星 8.8% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
The goal of research is often to explore, describe, explain, or predict phenomena, utilizing a variety of data collection methods based on the nature of the study and its objectives. Whereas the goal of an experiment is more narrowly focused on testing specific hypotheses by observing the outcom...