The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare and exacerbates the existing insecurities of sex workers. This paper asks: What are sex workers’ everyday experie
26 May 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaks havoc on the world, more New Zinc-Air Battery Outperforms Lithium-Ion Bat... 23 May 2020 Disseminated on behalf of Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc and more New zinc-air battery is cheaper, safer and far l... 21...
This will allow the business to ensure success the first time around and save money from potential losses. For instance: the image below depicts that before the full-scale launch of your software product, you can conduct a pilot test to check the viability of your application and ensure that...
Grocery shopping has faced a remarkable change in the past years accelerated by the recent COVID-19 pandemic [58], which boosted online grocery shopping [9,75,92] and created new home delivery and pick-up options [53,76,78]. While the pandemic ignited numerous studies to understand consumer...
While I like to think that people have enough understanding of the unique nature of the Covid event not to assume it is the template for future market falls, I still hear people talk about growth stocks being inherently more protective in an economic downturn while pointing to 2020 as evidenc...
and the Near East as reported by the F.A.O. High rates of overweight and obesity, as reported by several studies, are not limited to the European Mediterranean countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal) and recalls what the W.H.O. says for two years: emerging economies are increasingly ...
Cationic peptides, especially protamine were used in many early studies for mRNA delivery. Protamines are cationic arginine-rich proteins that condense mRNA cargo as they protect it from external degrading factors. They can also act as adjuvants through interaction with TLR7/8 [138]. The main do...
and that technology would be the tool we would use to be better. The Internet was just starting to figure out how to make money, but it was still idealistic enough that people like me believed it would be mostly a good thing. Google still had the phrase “Don’t be Evil” as part ...
and they can be approached for advice and co-operation. Threefold plot also provides information about the prestigious journals connected to the release of these studies. The journal entries may be useful in identifying the potential journals for future publications in the identical area of research....
These biases, however, have been studied less, and therefore much future work can be done for better understanding. One such avenue is to explore different investor types, like institutional investors, developers, etc., so that a wider perspective is received. Also, such studies can be introduce...