RankAllMaleFemale 1RihannaEminemRihanna 2Bruno MarsDaft PunkBruno Mars 3EminemJay-ZBeyoncé 4Katy PerryBruno MarsKaty Perry 5Justin TimberlakeDrakeP!nk Among the top 5 we see that the Male and Female listeners only share one artist in common:Bruno Mars. This trend continues as we look at the...
Assuming you have a table calledmytablewhich has a column calledmycolumn, you can obtain a concatenation of all the values from mycolumn by using this query: SELECT LTRIM(MAX(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(mycolumn,',')) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY curr),',') AS xyz FROM (SELECTmycolumn, ...