The research proposal is a blue print of the proposed project. It can be compared with the blue print of a building, which is prepared by an architect before the bids are let and the construction is started. It is also called the outline or the synopsis of the study.Kumar, Pardeep...
The long term goal of the research is to develop a formalized constraint management system. Constraint management is defined herein as the process of identifying, classifying, modeling, and resolving constraints. The objective of the current study is to provide a comprehensive review of literatures an...
首先,Research Proposal的研究方向越细越好,更具体的方向有利于你更专注的研究,而不是笼统的研究一个大方向。换句话说,选题的范围要很小,很明确,而且具体目的主要是为将来的毕业论文做准备,而好的proposal的成功就意味着完成了论文的一半。 Research Proposal怎么写 1、Abstract 摘要是对整篇文章的一个概括性总结,大...
接下来是Research Proposal的结构 1、Abstract 大约写300字的简短总结。包括研究问题,研究的基本原理,...
在Research Proposal中,Literature Review占文章的30%;Literature Review的写作重点就是列举出学者们对研究领域相关问题的研究,以及他们用了什么研究方法,并且得到了哪些研究结果。如果是定量分析的话, 相关领域的研究成果中有用到framework 和 hypothesis 的, results也需要被讨论。LR最重要的一点就是需要分析一下前人...
Research Proposal简称RP RP的内容通常为: what(你打算做什么) why(为什么你要做这件事) 以及how(你打算如何去做) 主要包括七个部分:标题(Title)、摘要 (Abstract)、引言(Introduction)、文献综述(Literature Review)、方法(Methods)、结果(Result)和讨论(Discussion)。
Research proposal 1. Title: Cormac McCarthy’sThe Roadand American Modern Eschatology Or Modern Eschatology of the 21stcentury America in Cormac McCarthy’sThe Road 2. Introduction: 1).about the author: a.Most Important achievements about Cormac McCarthy: Cormac McCarthy is an American novelist ...
If you’ve already readour post on literature reviews, you may be thinking that a research proposal sounds pretty similar. They’re more than just similar, though—a literature review is part of a research proposal. It’s the section that covers which sources you’re using, how you’re us...
Research Proposal的结构 1 Title 这个题目应该是简介且具有描述性的。这个有点难,如果太简洁,你可能说不清楚自己想要做什么。但是有了描述性,你可能一下子写了一个长句子。比如很多学生会这样开头“An investigation of . . .” 这样开头不是不可以,但是如果太过冗长,会让人觉得你对这个课题并不了解。 最好要...