研究计划-research-proposal-模板 每个学术研究者必须经历的一道关卡,就是ResearchProposal的写作。它大致对应 中文里的“开题报告”、“选题报告”、“研究报告”,是一项研究开始之前的提纲、规划和陈 述;既是为了帮助自己梳理文献、整理思路、廓清方向,也常常是写给相关他人的说明: 研究动机和意义何在?可能有何成果?
Aria3D Research Proposal for 2007 CompetitionsSarrafi, ArmanGhiasi, GolnazMeshgi, KouroshShahbazi, Moloud
StUdentSandaCOPyOfadissertationProPOSalassignmentasappendices. ReSearChMethodSforBUSineSS-anOVerVieWOfthefourth edition PedagogjCfeatures TheOVer-ridingPUrPoSeOfHCSearC力Ma。。右加厂8〃si〃cssistohelpUndergradUate andPoStgradUateStUdentSandStUdentSOnProfbSSiOnalCOUrSeStoUndertakeresearch.EaCh ChaPterdealsWithaPartOfth...
Proposal for defining the relevance of drug accumulation derived from single dose study data for modified release dosage forms. Biopharm Drug Dispos. 2015;36:93–103. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Perrier D, Gibaldi M. General derivation of the equation for time to reach a...
Histopathology in fish: proposal for a protocol to assess aquatic pollution. J fish Disease. 1999;22:2534. Article Google Scholar Marinovi´c Z, Miljanovi´c B, Urbányi B, Luji´c J. Gill Histopathology as a biomarker for discriminating Seasonal variations in Water Quality. Appl Sci....
Special section on Proposal for Special Issue “Edible flowers: diversity, bioactive compounds, functionality, safety and quality issues” Guest edited by Marciane Magnani. select article Borage, camellia, centaurea and pansies: Nutritional, fatty acids, free sugars, vitamin E, carotenoids and organic...
The proposal and refinement of this concept have promoted the development of clinical research on individualized systemic therapy for breast cancer. The guiding value of molecular typing for systemic treatment strategies is now well recognized. The incidence of BCBM is also related to molecular typing...
Proposal of a risk-stratification system for the Japanese population based on blood pressure levels: the Ohasama study. Hypertens Res 2008; 31: 1315–1322. E-Ib 252: Mahmoodi BK, Matsushita K, Woodward M, Blankestijn PJ, Cirillo M, Ohkubo T, Rossing P, Sarnak MJ, Stengel B, Yamagishi K...
Manno, M., Tomei, F., Maruzzi, D., Di Filippo, L. & Garbeglio, A. A case report of CUAVD with azoospermia: a proposal of a rational diagnostic approach.Arch. Ital. Urol. Androl.75, 25–27 (2003). Google Scholar Papadimas, J. et al. Therapeutic approach of immotile cilia syndr...
University Hospital Center of Dermatology Programme National de Lutte contre la Lèpre Teaching Hospital of Gabriel TOURE UPE-Université Paris-Est Hospital Necker-Enafants Malades University Hospital Hassan II Damascus University International Center for Excellence in Research Chiou Consulting Inc and Winli...