Our AI is also a powerful proofreading and editing tool. Ask it to“Proofread my research proposal for grammar and coherence.”It will return suggested corrections and edits. To enhance language and style, instruct:“Improve the language and style of my research proposal.”The AI will then pro...
We would adjust the protocol as indicated by the data (since we have no illusions that our first attempt will produce a full elicita-tion of critical customer preferences).Verschoore de la Houssaije, SimonePublic utilities fortnightly
学姐帮你一步到位! 哈喽啊留子姐妹们~最近期末了,大家是不是都在赶各种Research Proposal(RP)的due?好多姐妹私信我:“RP到底咋写啊?”学姐一问才发现,很多人连基本结构都没搞清楚,结果写出来东拼西凑,逻辑混乱,教授都看得一头雾水。别急!今天就给大家安排一份超全RP写作指南,写起来不慌,教授看了还直夸!
第二,Research Proposal的结构 一篇好的proposal,实际上取决于你对研究的思考深度和专业水准。因此,结构和逻辑是否清晰易懂,就显得特别重要。 Title 根据Paul T. P. Wong在How To Write A Research Proposal中说的,一篇RP的Title应该是简洁并且具有描述性的(concise and descriptive)。这两者必须同时存在,而不能过于...
LITES, an Intelligent Tutoring System for Legal Problem Solving in the Domain of Dutch Civil Law This paper investigates the relevance of the logical study of argumentation systems for AI-and-law research, in particular for modelling the adversarial aspect of legal reasoning. It does so in ...
Presented at the2024 ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, this research proposal outlines the opportunities at the intersection of advanced AI algorithms and digital entertainment for elevating quality, increasing user interactivity and improving the overall streaming experience. Research topics that will be inv...
A Proposal for Research on the Application of AI/ML in ITPM Intelligent Project Management According to the market research firm Tractica, the global artificial intelligence software market is forecast to grow to 126 billion by 2025. Additionally, the Gartner group predicts that during the same time...
[24], current approaches to AI ethics are inadequate to addressing structural entrenched inequality and the material reality of AI development. As [48] note, a focus on ethics in the technical design of systems misses significant concerns (including in their proposal for an ethical ‘Algorithmic ...
18、 a contract between the researcher and his fund-providers. They serve as a planning tool for the researcher. How to prepare a research proposal?Normally a research proposal will include the following: A working title of the topic areaGeneral overview of areaIdentification of the relevant lite...