Participants What if I do not want to receive prizes? How do parents register their children for a Math-a-thon event? How can I redeem my Math-A-Thon prize(s)? Where are my prize redemption certificates? How long will my fundraising page remain open?
Focusgroupsconductedinfivelanguages TelephonesurveyinfivelanguagesLiteratureReviewObjectives Providebackgroundknowledgetotheresearchteamregardingpriorresearch. Identifytopicsandissuesthatshouldbeaddressedinthefocusgroupsandtelephonesurvey. Aidinthedevelopmentoffocusgroupandsurveyquestions. Findinformationthatmaybeusefulinthe...
Almost all the participants reported exposure to certain workers’ rights violations. Among the migrant live-in care workers, it was found that 58% of them did not receive any vacation days besides the weekly day-off, about 30% reported not get even a weekly day-off on a regular basis, ...