The third broad type of explanation has to do with institutions. Labour market interventions, from the form of wage bargaining to equal treatment and non-discrimination laws, might shape the magnitude of gender gaps (Hyland et al.,2020; Manning,2003; Weichselbaumer & Winter-Ebmer,2007). Our ...
•SOCialSCienCeParadigmSCanbeUSedinmanagementandbusinessresearchtogenerate f?eshinsightsintoreallif⅛issuesandproblems.ThefourParadigmSexplainedintheChaPter were:functionalist;interpretive;radicalhumanist;andradicalStrUCtUralist. •Therearetwomainresearchapproaches:deductionandinduction.Withdeduction,atheory andhypothes...
Similarly, in a mock jury paradigm involving IBSA between two ex-partners, female IBSA victims were attributed more blame for their victimization than men when the intimate image was initially created by the victim and shared with their then-partner (Uhl, 2017). It is not surprising, then, ...
Paradigm One: The project is a research topic that never has been done before. Almost by definition it will contribute to the field. The burden in this argument, however, is to show that the topic is indeed significant despite its neglect by scholars. Perhaps it has only recently acquired s...
Surging interest in individual differences has faced setbacks in light of recent replication crises in psychology, for example in brain-wide association studies exploring brain-behavior correlations. A crucial component of replicability for individual di
It should be noted that the phrase “resting-state fMRI” refers to the fact that the fMRI acquisition was performed during an idle state of the rat, as opposed to “task fMRI” which would present the animals with a sensory stimulation paradigm for example. Nonetheless, all animals were in...
In fMRI studies lower SES has been linked to reduced activation of hippocampus and amygdala in resting-state fMRI [9]. In task-based fMRI, with working memory paradigm, reduced activation of frontal and temporal regions linked with cognitive functioning are observed for lower SES [9,104]. Furth...
paradigm of the analysis and define confounders and instruments; next, we will examine our available dataset and its ability to answer the causal question of interest and limitations on this goal; lastly, we will compare and contrast confounder and IV methodologies with respect to causal effect ...
(2019) suggested that the Porterian paradigm had an invaluable contribution to the strategic management field but needs to evolve to explain the current business environment. In this sense, scholars have been rethinking the cluster approach, for example, Harris (2021), Lazzeretti et al. (2019),...
interdependence between emotion and cognition in an intercultural context (Forgas and George2001; Kim2012). By examining the simultaneous effects of culture and emotion, we are able to provide an explanation for Au et al. (2003) findings, which contradict those of research conducted with Western...