Despite physical activity recognition being a hot topic for more than a decade, activity recognition is still a challenging task. In this paper we review the studies done so far on human activity recognition based on wearable sensors and discussed various aspects of these researches.Yoon, Chang...
With the rapid advancement of wearable devices, Human Activities Recognition (HAR) based on these devices has emerged as a prominent research field. The objective of this study is to enhance the recognition performance of HAR by proposing an LSTM-1DCNN recognition algorithm that utilizes a single ...
Behavior recognition is a hot topic in the field of computer vision. It has experienced the development process from manual design feature representation to deep learning feature expression. This paper classifies the mainstream algorithms in the developm
[CVPR 2023] The official implementation of CVPR 2023 paper "Human-Art: A Versatile Human-Centric Dataset Bridging Natural and Artificial Scenes" - IDEA-Research/HumanArt
[ICCV 2023] The official implementation of paper "HumanSD: A Native Skeleton-Guided Diffusion Model for Human Image Generation" - IDEA-Research/HumanSD
2.2. Human Motion Recognition Algorithm 2.2.1. DMP Attitude Solution Algorithm In this paper, the DMP attitude solution algorithm is used to determine the attitude of the MPU6050 six-axis sensor, which is mainly divided into the data acquisition stage, the quaternion integration stage, the accelero...
ELEGNT: Expressive and Functional Movement Design for Non-Anthropomorphic Robot content type paper | research area Human-Computer Interaction | Published year 2025 AuthorsYuhan Hu, Peide Huang, Mouli Sivapurapu, Jian Zhang Showing page 1 of 741 of 74 ...
but also give individuals theautonomyand freedom to develop unique ways of achieving the goal. The work should be challenging to keep them engaged but also achievable so as to maintain motivation. Finally, if the leader is rewarding creativity, it should be rewards focused on recognition rather ...
Smartphones are now nearly ubiquitous; their numerous built-in sensors enable continuous measurement of activities of daily living, making them especially well-suited for health research. Researchers have proposed various human activity recognition (HAR)
First commit to create a folder for the Spectral-graphormer ICCV paper. Aug 30, 2023 speech_embedding Internal change Jan 27, 2021 spelling_convention_nlm Open-sourcing the code for "CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Con… Jan 23, 2024 spin_spherical_cnns Enable training on spherical MNIS...